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Community Guidelines

Our community values prioritize respectful communication, mutual understanding, and empathy. The health of our community is dependent on all members committing to the practice of these values and respecting the rights of all Firefly students, families, instructors, and other Firefly community members as outlined below.

Violations of the code of conduct will be addressed as outlined in our behavior support and intervention policy in our Family Handbook.

Code of Conduct

Community Member Rights
All Firefly community members (parents, instructors, students, etc.) have:
  • The right to have their culture, beliefs, and lifestyle respected even by those whose culture, beliefs or lifestyles differ.
  • The right to personal expression.
  • The right to define and express their personal boundaries and preferences and have those boundaries and preferences respected.
  • The right to have their sex, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression affirmed and respected.
  • The right to receive equitable treatment and be included and respected regardless of disability status.
  • The right to feel safe from unwanted physical contact, sexual harassment, violence, bullying, intimidation, and ridicule.
  • The right to have their personal privacy respected.
Community Member Responsibilities
All members of the Firefly community (parents, instructors, students, etc.) are expected to:
  • Respect the rights of other community members as outlined above.
  • Understand and comply with the Firefly code of conduct and all policies outlined in the Family Handbook; parents are expected to discuss the code of conduct and electronics policies with their children and make sure they understand expectations.
  • Conduct themselves with respect, responsibility, and accountability to themselves, others, and the spaces we occupy. 
  • Work with instructors, Firefly leadership, and/or other students to resolve conflict or concerns as they arise.
  • Respect Firefly’s no-peanut policy. Please do not bring items containing peanuts or peanut butter on class days or to events.
Behaviors that may result in removal from Firefly
  • Violence or aggression, either physical or verbal 
  • Bullying, including cyber bullying (Bullying is when an individual or a group of people perceived to have more power repeatedly and intentionally cause hurt or harm to another person or group of people.)
  • Discrimination 
  • Intentional damage to property or facilities 
  • Intentional behavior that is consistently disrespectful to fellow students, parents, instructors, or other members of the Firefly community
  • Refusal to follow safety rules and directions as expressed by directors and instructors
  • Possession of a weapon at Firefly on class days or at special events (onsite or offsite)
Note: Weapons include, but are not limited to guns, knives, and pocket knives. Any of these items found in a student’s possession will be confiscated and returned to the parent.
Electronic Devices and Toys
  • No electronic devices, electronic games, digital music players, cell phones, toys, or stuffed animals may be used in the classroom, unless given express permission by the instructor. 
  • The use of these devices and/or toys in the classroom during instructional time without the permission of the instructor, or in a disruptive manner is prohibited. 
  • If a student brings a cell phone to Firefly, they must completely silence their device and use it only before and after classes in common areas outside the classroom. 
Privacy Policy
Firefly values the privacy of our students and families. We also know how important it is that families trust us enough to share information necessary for their student’s success at Firefly. Therefore, Firefly instructors, directors, volunteers, and board members must abide by the following privacy policy.
  • Private information includes, but is not limited to, disability status, LGBTQ+ status, medical and mental health diagnoses, particulars of the student’s home life, details about student behavior in the classroom, behavior supports and interventions implemented for a student, and specifics regarding accommodations for a disability.
  • Information provided by families on the FHC Student Medical Information and Consent to Treat form will be shared with instructors and adults supervising students during other times such as lunch. Other information may be shared at the director’s discretion, but only in cases where it is necessary for student success or safety and well-being.
  • A student’s private information should never be shared, discussed, or confirmed with other Firefly students or parents.
  • Conversations regarding a student’s private information will be held in private with every effort being made to prevent others from overhearing.
  • Instructors will always attempt to reach out to a parent prior to sharing private information with other instructors. However, in certain situations, information may be shared prior to contacting a parent if the instructor needs immediate assistance to address a risk to student safety or well-being. If such a situation arises, the instructor will reveal only the information required to address the immediate risk.
  • If an instructor uses a substitute during the year, they may share information necessary for the substitute to support the child in class. This information may include accommodations, sensory triggers, successful redirection strategies, allergies, etc. In those cases, instructors will carefully consider what information they share to ensure student privacy is respected.
  • Volunteers must keep confidential any private information they may become aware of while fulfilling their volunteer duties. This applies whether volunteering onsite or at an offsite event.
In addition, we ask that all parents and students respect the privacy of other Firefly community members.
Reasonable Accommodations for Disabilities and Medical Conditions
Firefly seeks to create a supportive and affirming environment for all students regardless of disability status, however, we can only succeed with parent involvement. 
Families of students with disabilities and medical conditions should reach out to our executive director prior to registering to discuss the types of accommodations a student may need for success. Whenever possible, Firefly will make reasonable accommodations for students with medical conditions or disabilities.
Parents should keep in mind that most of our instructors are homeschooling parents without formal teacher training and we do not have the same resources as a public school. Therefore, in some cases, a parent may be required to attend classes with their student to provide individualized support. 
ADHD, Autism, Learning Disabilities, Emotional/Behavioral Disabilities, etc.
With active parent involvement, we hope to create an inclusive learning environment for all Firefly students. Parents are encouraged to reach out to instructors whenever they have questions or to share helpful information about their student. Examples of helpful information may include suggestions for positive redirection in the case of disruptive behavior; a list of sensory triggers; or calming strategies to help a student self-regulate, etc.
Parent Support
In some cases, Firefly may allow or require a parent to attend class alongside their child to provide individualized support. Parents who attend classes with their child will be required to sign the Parent Agreement and submit to a background check at their expense. Only parents who have been required or invited to accompany their child may sit in and attend classes. If you require a special circumstance, contact Firefly at [email protected]. Consideration will be given on a case-by-case basis at the discretion of Firefly leadership.