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Volunteer Responsibilities

Firefly is a community that values family involvement and camaraderie with one another. Because we are not a school, but a non-profit parent cooperative for independent homeschoolers, we do not have paid staff members and we need help from all of our families throughout the school year. It is important to us that all members are actively building and investing in our community as we work together in educating our students. 

In order to participate in Firefly, every non-teaching family should commit to approximately 6 credit hours worth of volunteer responsibilities. Volunteering is a great way to meet other homeschooling parents, to spend time with your kids at various events, and to feel a sense of pride and involvement in this incredible community we've built together. Families can fulfill these credit hours with a combination of these tasks, which are our greatest community needs:

  • Cleanup Crew (1 credit per shift) Thursdays from 3:00-4:00pm - Tasks include but are not limited to straightening up bathrooms, sweeping and vacuuming floors, emptying trash, storing items away, and other general cleanup tasks.

  • Event Help (1-3 credits per shift) Generally, Friday, Saturday, or Sunday afternoons/evenings (game/movie nights, dances, parties, performances, trunk or treat) - Tasks may include activity setup, snack setup, assisting students throughout the event, cleanup at end of event.

  • Morning Table/Chair Takedown 15 minutes/week on Thursdays from 9:15-9:30am for Entire Semester - Ideally, this shift will be completed by the same 1-2 volunteers every Thursday morning and fulfills your entire volunteer requirement for the semester. Fencing will require the use of both 100A-B and all tables & chairs will need to be collapsed and moved. Perfect for dads.

  • Lunch Helper (1 credit per shift) Thursdays from 11:45am-12:45pm - Tasks include setting up and putting away picnic blankets, moving between indoor and outdoor lunch to give teachers bathroom breaks, monitoring students, and general cleanup.

Sign Up Genius is utilized for these tasks each semester. The link is shared by email and in our private Facebook group prior to the first week of classes. You can also find a link to the Volunteer page in the "Family Resources" drop down menu or on your Parent Dashboard when logged in.

Sign Up Genius sends automated reminders by email, so be sure these are not going to spam in order to receive reminders before your scheduled shifts.

Additional Information

Families are asked to make every effort to honor the commitments for which they have signed up. We could not offer all the exciting events and classes without your support!

If someone in your family has a special talent or skill set they can lend (i.e. carpentry, photography, handyman services, grant writing, etc) please let us know! If/when a need arises, we would love to contact you in exchange for volunteer hours.

Opt Out:

The choice to opt out of volunteer responsibilities is provided for those who work full-time, those with physical or health limitations, and those with strict childcare limitations.

Cost to Opt Out: $80 per semester for the 2024-2025 school year

How to Opt Out: On our Class Registration Google Form, please indicate that you plan to opt out rather than volunteer. The $80 opt out fee will be added to your account, which should be paid along with your registration and facility fee(s) within one week of registering your child(ren) for classes.

Members who indicate that they would like to volunteer, but have not chosen their volunteer slots by the end of the first week of classes will be charged the Opt Out fee unless prior communication or arrangments have been made.

Substitutes & No Show Fee:

Volunteers are responsible for finding a substitute if they cannot make their obligation. A list of volunteer substitute possibilities is posted on the Volunteer Portal page. Members can contact another volunteer and switch slots with them or just ask for help in covering their date and time.

Members who fail to attend their scheduled volunteer shift without contacting a substitute and having them fill-in or with no notification to a director or event coordinator will be charged a $15 no-show fee. We understand that emergencies happen, and we ask that you please text/call/email should an emergency arise. A no-show fee will only be charged when no communication is received.

Repeated no-shows or last minute cancellations of volunteer shifts may result in your family being charged the full Opt Out fee or dismissal from the co-op.

Volunteer FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: Can my child(ren) attend my volunteer shift with me?

A: In most cases, yes! Events are often a great opportunity to volunteer while your children participate in the activity. During class day cleanup shifts, your child may stay by your side to assist or they may utilize our quiet room to entertain themselves with books or a quiet activity. We would discourage little ones from attending any Teen/Tween Dance or Performance Night Sound Booth shifts.

Q: Can any adult from my household fulfill our volunteer responsibilities?

A: Yes. Any combination of adults and shifts can be used to fulfill the credit hours.

Q: What if I can’t make it to my scheduled shift?

A: We understand that life happens. A family illness or emergency may prevent you from fulfilling your volunteer shift for that week. If an occasion comes up when you need someone to take your place, and you know this in advance (24+ hours) you can first attempt to swap slots with a substitute. Please view the sub list posted on the Volunteer Portal for contacts. Then you can swap slots on SignUp Genius. You can locate this feature when logged into your account and viewing the sign up. Under your name, you will see the option to request a swap. From there, you will be able to select one or more persons whom you wish to swap slots with. You may also post in our website forum or private Facebook group to ask someone to help/swap with you. If you need further assistance, or if you do not have time to request a swap (due to emergency within -24 hours) please notify Sue as soon as possible, so that plans can be made to fulfill the duties. 

Q: How do I make up the hours that I missed?

A: If you swapped with another member, you are caught up and good to go. If you had an emergency and called out before obtaining coverage, please reach out to Sue at your earliest convenience to inquire about a makeup shift. You can also check the Signup Genius to see if there are any available future slots to make up your time.

Q: If I am scheduled to volunteer on the same day as an evening event, but I cancel at the last minute due to family illness, can my children still attend the scheduled evening event?

A: No, they may not. Please consult our illness policy.

Q: What if I fulfill more than the required minimum credit hours?

A: Families who go above & beyond the minimum requirements may be invited to register early (before other returning families) next school year!